I was in bed for the last few days and thought I may be feeling better that I wanted to do something.
I felt fine, I thought of making pasta, I used the manual pasta maker (Kev got me from Dec. 2005) instead of the electric pasta maker, it felt more authentic. I made Puttanesca for it's sauce. I used these ingredients:
4 anchovies
6 cloves garlic
1 (28 oz)canned tomatoes, preferably Di Napoli
2 T good olive oil
1 cup chopped calamata olives
1/2 t kosher salt
1/2 t fresh ground pepper
1/2 t dried pepper flakes
I made pasta using 2 cups of flour.
Gosh, it was goood! After dinner I tried to clean the kitchen like I want it to be but as soon as I got upstairs, I felt exteme pain and numbness with shooting pain from my lower back down to the back of my legs, excruciating burning pain.Whatever it is I would just rest and say, at least i did it, like i always tell myself after paying for what I had done. Now it's time to rest, it maybe another few days again, but so be it! It has been a part of my life for a while now.